Gemstones ABC
- Strawberry Quartz B
- Actinolite quartz
- Aegirine
- Agate Group
- Ajoite (in Quartz)
- Alexandrite
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ammolite
- Andalusite
- Andean Opal
- Angelite
- Anyolite
- Apache Tear
- Apatite
- Apophylite
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Astrophylite
- Atlantisite
- Auralite 23
- Aventurine
- Aventurine-Feldspar
- Azurite
- Azurmalachite
- B
- D - F
- G-H-I
- H - I
- J - K
- L
- M
- N - O
P - Q
- Purple Fluorite
- Pearl & Mother of Pearl
- Peridot
- Peach Moonstone
- Petalite
- Pietersite
- Praseolite
- Prehnite
- Pyrite
- Pyroop
- Pyroxene Group
- Quantum Quattro
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Rainbow Moonstone
- Rainbow Obsidian
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Rhyolite
- Ruby
- Ruby in Zoisite
- Red Agate
- Red Garnet
- Red Jasper
- Smoky Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Rubellite
- Rutilated Quartz
- R
- Sapphire
- Schörl
- Foam Coral
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Seraphinite
- Serpentine (New Jade)
- Shungite
- Sphalerite
- Emerald
- Smithsonite
- Snow quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Spectrolite
- Spinel
- Spodumene
- Spodumene, White
- Stibnite
- Stichtite
- Staurolite Fairy Cross
- Star Rose Quartz
- Strawberry Quartz
- Stromatolite
- Sugilite
- Super 7
- Shell
- T - U
V - Z
- Hawk's eye
- Vanadinite
- Variscite
- Feldspar Group
- Verdelite, green Tourmaline
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Coral (Petoskey Stone)
- Vesuvianite
- Fire Opal
- Watermelon Tourmaline
- Wavellite
- White Quartz
- White Selenite
- White spodumene
- Desert Rose
- Starfish
- Zincite
- Zircon
- Zoisite Group
- Aventurine-Feldspar
- Black tourmaline
- Sulphur
- Other Gemstones
- Gem Colors
- GemJudith Jewelry
- Bracelets
- Pendants
- Necklaces
- Earrings
- 3.5 / G
- 4 / H
- 4.5 / J
- 5 / J 1/2
- 5.5 / L
- 5 ¾ / L ½
- 6 / M
- 6.5 / N
- 7 / O
- 7.5 / O ½
- 7.5 / P
- 8 / Q
- 8.5 / Q-Q1/2
- 9 / R 1/2 - S 1/2
- 9 ¼ / S ½
- 9.5 / S 1/2 - T
- 10 / T½
- 10-10.5 / T 1/2 - V
- 10.5 / V
- 11 / V 1/2 - W
- 11 / W
- 12
- 12 / Y
- 12.5 - 13 / Y 1/2 - Z+1
- 13.5 / Z+1 - Z+2
- 13 3/4 - 14 / Z+21/2 - Z+3
- one size fits all
- Gemstone Rings
- Precious Stones in Brass Rings
- Gemstone Silver Rings
- Silver
- Jewelery Design
- Clearance Jewelry
- Jewelry on Color
- Unique Carvings

Smithsonite Lapis calaminaris was a name used by Agricola in 1546. In 1747, Johan Gottschalk Wallerius (Vallerius) used the simplified name, Calamine for zinc carbonate.
In 1780, Torbern Bergmann analyzed Calamines and found that they were mixed ores of zinc carbonates and silicates.
In 1803, James Smithson conducted a systematic investigation of Calamines and showed that ores identified as Calamine were composed of several minerals: a carbonate and a silicate. The carbonate "calamine" was renamed Smithsonite in 1832 by François Sulpice Beudant in honor of James Smithson [1754-1829], British chemist, mineralogist and benefactor of the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC, USA).
Formula | ZnCO3 |
Color | White, gray, yellow, green to apple green, blue, pink, purple, blue-gray and brown; colorless or faintly tinted in transmitted light |
Luster | Glassy, Pearly |
Hardness | 4 - 4½ |
Specific weight | 4.42 - 4.44 |
Crystal System | Trigonal |
Transparency | Translucent |
Locatieon | Australia, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Namibia, Spain Vs |
Smithsonite belongs to the Calcite group.
Smithsonite is often found as a secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of zinc ore deposits. It can also be observed in sedimentary deposits and as a direct oxidation product of sphalerite.
There is an interchange option with Chyropras, Hemimorphite, Jade & Turquoise
If in stock you will find below my collection of Raw Gemstones.
Are you looking for cut Gemstones, then look at SMTIHSONITE