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Gemstones ABC
- Strawberry Quartz B
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- B
- D - F
- G-H-I
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- M
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P - Q
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V - Z
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- 3.5 / G
- 4 / H
- 4.5 / J
- 5 / J 1/2
- 5.5 / L
- 5 ¾ / L ½
- 6 / M
- 6.5 / N
- 7 / O
- 7.5 / O ½
- 7.5 / P
- 8 / Q
- 8.5 / Q-Q1/2
- 9 / R 1/2 - S 1/2
- 9 ¼ / S ½
- 9.5 / S 1/2 - T
- 10 / T½
- 10-10.5 / T 1/2 - V
- 10.5 / V
- 11 / V 1/2 - W
- 11 / W
- 12
- 12 / Y
- 12.5 - 13 / Y 1/2 - Z+1
- 13.5 / Z+1 - Z+2
- 13 3/4 - 14 / Z+21/2 - Z+3
- one size fits all
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Opal, Fire
Fire Opal:
Gives you pleasure in life
Challenges you to release gender roles
Imagine you in service of your own sensuality
Helps you go 'out of the box', do without thinking.
Empowerment of your Self expression
Balancing of sexuality and sensuality
Agree to your own desires
Integration of shameless pleasure into your life
Realization of the beauty of being human
Manifestation of cheerful thoughts
Liberation of negative beliefs about sexuality and sensuality
Cooperation with your Sacral Chakra
Affirmation: I enjoy
Showing 1-1 of 1 item(s)
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Fire Opal tumbled 7/8-9/8"
€6.42Fire Opal Mini
Size: 10-20mm
super rare!!
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