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Gemstones ABC
- Strawberry Quartz B
- Abalone
- Actinolite quartz
- Aegirine
- Agate Group
- Ajoite (in Quartz)
- Alexandrite
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Ammolite
- Andalusite
- Andean Opal
- Angelite
- Anyolite
- Apache Tear
- Apatite
- Apophylite
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Astrophylite
- Atlantisite
- Auralite 23
- Aventurine
- Aventurine-Feldspar
- Azurite
- Azurmalachite
- B
- D - F
- G-H-I
- H - I
- J - K
- L
- M
- N - O
P - Q
- Purple Fluorite
- Pearl & Mother of Pearl
- Peridot
- Peach Moonstone
- Petalite
- Pietersite
- Praseolite
- Prehnite
- Pyrite
- Pyroop
- Pyroxene Group
- Quantum Quattro
- Rainbow Fluorite
- Rainbow Moonstone
- Rainbow Obsidian
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Rhyolite
- Ruby
- Ruby in Zoisite
- Red Agate
- Red Garnet
- Red Jasper
- Smoky Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Rubellite
- Rutilated Quartz
- R
- Sapphire
- Schörl
- Foam Coral
- Selenite
- Septarian
- Seraphinite
- Serpentine (New Jade)
- Shungite
- Sphalerite
- Emerald
- Smithsonite
- Snow quartz
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Sodalite
- Spectrolite
- Spinel
- Spodumene
- Spodumene, White
- Stibnite
- Stichtite
- Staurolite Fairy Cross
- Star Rose Quartz
- Strawberry Quartz
- Stromatolite
- Sugilite
- Super 7
- Shell
- T - U
V - Z
- Hawk's eye
- Vanadinite
- Variscite
- Feldspar Group
- Verdelite, green Tourmaline
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Coral (Petoskey Stone)
- Vesuvianite
- Fire Opal
- Watermelon Tourmaline
- Wavellite
- White Quartz
- White Selenite
- White spodumene
- Desert Rose
- Starfish
- Zincite
- Zircon
- Zoisite Group
- Aventurine-Feldspar
- Black tourmaline
- Sulphur
- Other Gemstones
- Gem Colors
- GemJudith Jewelry
- Bracelets
- Pendants
- Necklaces
- Earrings
- 3.5 / G
- 4 / H
- 4.5 / J
- 5 / J 1/2
- 5.5 / L
- 5 ¾ / L ½
- 6 / M
- 6.5 / N
- 7 / O
- 7.5 / O ½
- 7.5 / P
- 8 / Q
- 8.5 / Q-Q1/2
- 9 / R 1/2 - S 1/2
- 9 ¼ / S ½
- 9.5 / S 1/2 - T
- 10 / T½
- 10-10.5 / T 1/2 - V
- 10.5 / V
- 11 / V 1/2 - W
- 11 / W
- 12
- 12 / Y
- 12.5 - 13 / Y 1/2 - Z+1
- 13.5 / Z+1 - Z+2
- 13 3/4 - 14 / Z+21/2 - Z+3
- one size fits all
- Gemstone Rings
- Precious Stones in Brass Rings
- Gemstone Silver Rings
- Silver
- Jewelery Design
- Clearance Jewelry
- Jewelry on Color
- Unique Carvings
Blue lace Agate flat stone
Platte Edelstenen worden o.a. gebruikt als oplegstenen en als zakstenen,
voor meer info klik je op de link aan het begin van deze tekst.
Data sheet
- Use as:
- In Therapeutic Treatment
- Colour:
- Blue
- Esoteric - Chakra:
- Heart (Anahata)
- Esoteric - energy direction:
- Relaxing
- Rarety:
- Hard to get
- Material
- natuurlijke edelsteen
- Mineralogical - Crystal structure:
- Trigonal
- Help your stone by avoiding contact with
- Chemicaliën (zie info blog)
- Shape:
- Flat
- Doelgroep*:
- PrikkelGevoelig ivm Ass/Hsp/Nah/Ptss
- Shades (color)
- Blue
- Appearance - Clarity:
- translucent