

Diopside was mentioned in 1806 by Rene Just Haüy From the Greek διζ- for "double" and οψτζ- "appearance", in allusion to two possible orientations of the prism zone.


Formula CaMgSi2O6
Color Light to dark green, blue, brown, colorless, snow white, gray, pale violet
Gloss Glassy, ​​Dull
Hardness 5½ - 6½
Specific Weight 3.22 - 3.38
Crystal System Monoclinic
Transparency Transparent, Opaque
Location Madagascar, South Africat

Diopside is one of the most common members of the pyroxene group. Often occurs in metamorphosed limestone (marbles) as generally pale green to gray-green crystals, masses and bubbles / grains associated with humite group minerals, spinel, phlogopite, tremolite and coarse. Can also be pure white and indistinguishable from the enveloping carbonate. Often fluorescent bright powder blue.

The variable colors are caused by the detection of small amounts of Fe (general), Mn, Ti, V, Cr.

There is an interchangeability with Hiddenite, Moldavite, Peridot, Smaragd and Vesuvian

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